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Kanade hair salon



 敷地は長野市の市街地、大小様々な店舗が建ち並ぶ幹線道路に面している。周辺には学校が多く、子どもの姿も多く見られる地域であ る。本計画はそこに建つ築50年を超える店舗兼住宅であった建物の改修計画 。美容室の機能に加えて、住居、雑貨販売スペース、更には 地域に開く展示室や学習室 、イベント利用など多岐にわたる機能を要求された 。そこで、空間を細かく分断していた間仕切り壁を取り払 うことで様々な機能に対応するフレキシビリティを担保すると共に 、一部2階の床を取り払い吹き抜けを持つ開放的な空間を目指した 。

 建物の中に下見板張りで仕上げた箱を作ることで 、入れ子の空間構成とした 。その箱は前面道路からのアイストップとして機能すると 共に、間仕切り壁を除去して一体的になった空間に中心性を持たせている 。

 仕上げは、既存の建物のどの部分を残し、どの部分を新しくするかという二元的な考え方ではなく 、新旧のコントラストをなじませる ような中間的処置を含めて改修を行った 。その中間的処置の一つは素材の漂白と研磨である 。経年による汚れやシミの黒ずみは表面的な 劣化であり、素材自体は利用可能であることが多い 。そのような観点で既存部材を吟味し 、柱・梁・天井・建具に対しては漂白 、床に対 しては研磨を施し、材料を素地の状態に近づけた 。また、経年劣化、旧い形式を消しきらずに手を加えることも中間的処置として行った 。吹き抜け部分を全面白く塗装する際 、柱、梁に対しては経年で起こるひび割れ等を塗り込まず割れ部をそのままの状態とすることや 、 吹き抜け部にはかつて床の間であったことを思わせる造作材を解体せず部分的に残している 。

 各スペースで行われるアクティビティを考慮して 、そのまま残す旧材と新しくする新材 、さらには中間的処置を施す材を使い分けることで 、スペースに対して各々異なるキャラクターを与えた 。

 こうして意識的に空間の持つ時間を操作することで 、存在していたようで存在していない時間のしつらえとした 。


店名 : Kanade
場所 : 長野県長野市
設計 : 加藤隼輝+杉山聖昇/Poten-Poten

面積 : 68m2
竣工 : 2017年8月
写真 : 長谷川健太


Beauty Shop in Uematsu

The site faces a main street lined with shops of various sizes in the center of Nagano. Since there are many schools in the area, children are often seen. This plan envisioned the renovation of a combination shop-and-residence that had stood on this site for more than 50 years. In addition to the function of a beauty shop, a wide range of other functions were also required, including living space, space for the sale of miscellaneous items, and an exhibition room, study room and event space for the community. Therefore, the aims were to secure flexibility responding to these diverse functions by removing the partition walls that had divided the structure into smaller spaces, and an open ceiling space by removing part of the floor of 2nd story.

A nested spatial composition was created by constructing a “box,” finished in the Japanese shitami itabari style, inside the building. It functions as an eye-stop when seen from the street, while also giving a feeling of centrality to the single space created by removing the partition walls.
The finish was not a simple binary concept of which parts of the existing building would be kept and which would be replaced. The aim was something in-between, so as to blend the contrast of old and new. Part of that “in-between treatment” was bleaching and sanding. In many places, the surface was marred by darkening due to stains and soiling over time, but it was possible to use the material itself. The existing members were examined closely from this viewpoint. The columns, beams, ceiling and fixtures were bleached, and the flooring was ground and sanded until these parts approached the condition of the base material. The same idea of “in-between treatment” was also applied to parts where deterioration with age and the old forms could not be completely eliminated. The entire atrium section was painted white, but the inevitable cracks and other flaws that occur with time were left in the beams, without attempting to fill them, and the some of the construction material, which gives the impression of having been an alcove, was left in the atrium.

Considering the different activities in each of the spaces, the spaces were given distinctive characters by appropriate use of old materials that were left in the original state, new materials and materials that received “in-between treatment.”
The conscious manipulation of the time possessed by space in this way created an arrangement of time that doesn’t exist, as though it was once real once.


address : Nagano-shi, Nagano,Japan
architect : Junki Kato+Kiyonori Sugiyama/Poten-Poten

construction : MYROOM
floor area : 68m2
photo : Kenta Hasegawa

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